Dr. David Mosmuller explains

Age spots

These are pigment spots on sun-exposed skin, also called lentigo senilis or lentigo solaris. They usually develop in old age and are caused by sun damage. They usually appear on the face, but also frequently on the hands and décolleté. Age spots are benign, harmless and do not turn into skin cancer.

They do not disappear on their own and more can be added over the years.

Fortunately, there are more and more good treatment options. Pigment spots can be effectively combated with, among other things, the CO2 and the VPL laser. A kinder and less painful technique with shorter downtime is the Tixel. The skin is heated for a very short time by a matrix of small titanium pyramids that ensures rapid evaporation of the old skin and the pigment. For best results, three to four treatments are usually required with four weeks between each treatment.

For stubborn or very dark age spots, you can choose either coagulation (the skin is heated by an electrical current) or PlexR (the skin is heated with ionized plasma). With both techniques, a clear scab on the age spots is visible after treatment, which peel off after five to seven days, usually one to two treatments are sufficient. For the more patient person, the daily use of tretinoin cream (only available with a prescription) is an option, for a good effect it must be applied to the spots for months. Less effective are chemical peels in which the top layer of skin is removed by applying various acids (such as glycolic acid). For all treatments, spots can come back or new ones arise when exposed to the sun.

The development of age spots can be prevented by not sitting in the sun for too long and by rubbing yourself well with sunscreen and especially not to burn. Unfortunately, most of the damage is done in the past over the years and only shows up in later life.

Who is Dr. David Mosmuller?

Studied medicine at Maastricht University and then obtained his PhD at the plastic surgery department of the VUmc Amsterdam for his research into the cosmetic results of cleft lip reconstructions. He has several publications to his name in various medical journals. He also gained experience as a doctor in plastic surgery, general surgery, general medicine and psychiatry.

Mosmuller specializes in treatments with botulinum toxin, fillers and lasers, among others. You can contact him for all skin rejuvenation and improvement treatments and other cosmetic advice. Quality and a beautiful and natural result are paramount to him. He finds it extremely important to listen to the client's wishes in order to arrive at a perfect treatment plan and result together.

By attending conferences and workshops, he is constantly aware of the most recent developments in cosmetic medicine. dr. In addition to his work as a cosmetic doctor at Doctors at Soap, David Mosmuller works as a medical researcher in the plastic surgery department at the VUmc.