Sweat free

Who doesn't occasionally suffer from excessive sweating? When you are in a hurry and you have to cycle fast, when it is very hot or when you find something very exciting, this is a normal reaction of your body. However, it can also happen that you sweat for no apparent reason and if this is also excessive, it is called hyperhidrosis. Due to the abnormal amount of moisture and/or the smell, this can be an annoying condition that can have a negative impact on a person's life. Excessive sweating is most common in the armpits but can also occur on the face (especially forehead), palms and soles. Excessive sweating can be treated very well with botulinum toxin. Where botulinum toxin in the face works against movement wrinkles by temporarily blocking the nerve transmission to the muscle, it works in excessive sweating by blocking the transmission from the nerve to the sweat gland and thus stops sweating and the unpleasant odor. Botulinum toxin is injected into the armpits with small needles, this is a very effective agent that reduces sweating by approximately 95%. It is hardly painful, but if necessary the armpits can be anesthetized beforehand with an anesthetic cream. Botulinum toxin can also be used to reduce sweating on the forehead with the nice side effect that wrinkles are also reduced. The hands and feet can also be treated with botulinum toxin, but this is performed less often. The effect of botulinum toxin against excessive sweating lasts for 4-6 months, after which the treatment can be repeated again. If you are looking for a permanent solution, you could opt for the Miradry treatment for the armpits. The Miradry is a laser treatment in which the sweat glands are removed by heating. It has a permanent effect, usually two treatments are required, achieving a sweat reduction of approximately 80%.

If you have been referred by your GP to a dermatologist for excessive sweating and you have been diagnosed with hyperhidrosis, the costs of the treatment will be reimbursed from the basic package, but this treatment is covered by the deductible. The costs of a botulinum toxin treatment against excessive sweating are around 500 euros and the costs for a Miradry treatment are between 1500 and 3000 euros.

If this is all a bit too drastic for you, washing your clothes regularly and using deodorant and perhaps some extra perfume is of course always a good alternative.