Jill van der Sande

Skin therapist

Jill completed the training as a skin therapist at the Hogeschool in Utrecht in 2022. During her studies, she noticed that she was particularly interested in the cosmetic side of skin therapy. That is why she chose to do an internship with the cosmetic doctors within DOCTORS AT SOAP in order to broaden her knowledge about the skin.

Now that she is working as a skin therapist, she listens carefully to the customer's wishes in order to choose the optimal treatment together. Peelings, laser treatments, microneedling, skin rejuvenation, combination treatment, but also advice for home products is Jill's expertise. Her goal is to make the customer feel as beautiful as possible again. “I am only satisfied when the customer is too.”

She is also a member of the Dutch association of skin therapists and registered in the paramedics quality register.